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Endermologie LPG - full body treatment

Endermologie LPG Integral is one of the most effective ways to combat cellulite, excess body fat, flaccidity of the skin and swelling of the body. The aim of body treatments is: slimming, smoothing, toning and body sculpting.

Lipomassage LPG is a unique technique of shaping using cellular stimulation. Patented LPG roller equipped with independent motors, with adjustable speed and direction, with the function of continuous or sequential sucking, gently presses the skin and accumulated underneath store fat, stimulating lipolysis (release of fat).

Lipomassage treatment stimulates the production of elastin and collagen and is therefore effective for firming the skin prone to sagging (as a result of aging, pregnancy, rapid weight loss etc.).

Using Lipomasage ™ treatments, forever resistant to physical exercise and diet fat is eliminated. The impact on the silhouette can be clearly seen after six 35-minute sessions, the fat will be reduced just where you want.


LPG Endermologie is based on a unique process of combining mechanical massage with precisely regulated vacuum. In the massaging head there are two rollers, moving around its own axis and each other. One of the rollers wraps the skin fold, the second one unfolds it. The effect of this reaction to the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue is:

  • restoration of regular metabolism,
  • breaking down of fat,
  • elimination of toxins,
  • stimulating cellular exchange,
  • reducing water retention by activating the venous and lymphatic system,
  • increased stimulation of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin,
  • exfoliation of the epidermis, the skin regains its natural glow and elasticity.
Technologia użyta w zabiegu
Endermologia LPG Integral

160 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23