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Honey ritual SPA

Honey nutrifying - detoxifying ritual

SPA Ritual for the whole body with hot honey, fragrant pollen, royal jelly and velvety warm oils. The uniqueness of these products is not only for their beauty and therapeutic effect, but also for the aromatic properties that provide a unique experience. The sweet smell of honey influences the senses and leaves a seductive note on the body.

  • Aromatic sugar peeling - sugar crystals contained in the peeling with beeswax form a perfect complex that removes dead skin while nourishing the skin with a mix of ceramides. The natural shea butter and canola oil formulation nourishes, protects and softens the skin. The addition of vitamin C and vitamin E prevents premature aging and promotes radical scavengers.
  • Russian massage with warm honey - an exotic, one hour massage that involves coating the body with warm honey and olive oil which acts as warming and stimulating agent. The honey detoxifies and nourishes the skin and by massaging the honey on the body, it reduces muscle tension, accelerates skin regeneration, stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation and acts against radicals and inflammation. It also causes deep and uniform nourishment for skins that are stressed, demineralized or have poor circulation. The massage is carried out in two phases: active - performed on the back and relaxing - performed all over the body.
  • Bath SPA or Aemotio SPA – You will rest on a comfortable heated bed, allowing you to feel the beneficial effects of hot, saturated with herbs and essential oils steam on your body. The moist heat stimulates secretory function of the skin by stimulating the secretion of harmful waste products and toxins. The steam penetrates deep into the skin and moisturizes it positively influencing its appearance
  • Honey Body Butter - rubbing deliciously scented sweetness of butter, which perfectly tightens, nourishes and protects the skin, giving it a silky smoothness, as well as moisturizes and nourishes.

340 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69