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Icoone - 40 min face treatment

The face programs lift your skin, improve facial contours, reduce fat deposits on the chin, reduce wrinkles, stimulate fibroblasts to the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improve lip contour, firm the skin and improve its tone.

The ICOONE treatment is the latest development in the methods of stimulation of the skin. The device sets completely new trends and defines the concept of beauty again. It is the only method that can treat the infinitely small to the infinitely great result. The effectiveness of this method is sensational - the effects are already visible after the first treatment!

ICOONE device can perform procedures on the area of ​​the neck, face and in a very delicate and difficult to access for other apparatuses areas. With interchangeable heads endings, you can easily reach delicate and sensitive area around the eyes and mouth. The effect of the treatment is multidimensional therapeutic massage, the outcome of which will put you in awe, because it reduces fibrosis tissues and cells are stimulated to produce elastin and collagen. Skin is more supple, firm and smooth - in one word: regenerated!


  • lifting effect without the use of needles and scalpel,
  • reduction of wrinkles,
  • rejuvenation around the neck, décolletage, face,
  • improvement of the contour of the mouth and eyes,
  • improvement of face contour and its oval.

Treatments are recommended especially for people, who want to give their face a young and healthy appearance without surgical intervention.

300 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69