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Sylwia Madeńska

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PQ Age

Lifting and skin renewing peel

PQ-Age is an innovative lifting peel for skin revitalization, also known as "the new skin" . After only 30min you will leave the doctor’s office visibly rejuvenated.

Indications: loose skin, pigmentation, scars, acne, blackheads, wrinkles filling.

PQ-Age peel is a cosmetic procedure that gives an effect similar to mesotherapy. It is an excellent choice for those, looking for quick ways for beautiful and healthy skin without the side effects or exclusion from everyday life. Its innovation lies in that it provides a profound stimulation without affecting the surface of the dermis and epidermis without flaking. It stimulates the tissue for interior renewal and intensively regenerates the deepest layer of the skin in a very gentle way. Smoother and younger skin is visible immediately after the procedure.

This is the perfect treatment, that improves the tightness of flabby skin and reduces discoloration of the face and body. The treatment is also indicated for the scars of different origin and acne scars. Very good results can be achieved using it for stretch marks. It is also suitable for sensitive skin – it fights skin imperfections without side effects.

The skin is visibly rejuvenated, wrinkles are filled, discoloration is lighten and the complexion is radiant after only one treatment!

Depending on skin condition and the expected effect, this procedure is repeated every 10 days 4-5 times. After such series of treatments, the effects of “new looking” skin are guaranteed. It can be performed at any time of the year, even in summer, without the risk of photosensitization.

Active ingredients:

  • trichloroacetic acid at a concentration of 34% - a mixture of trichloroacetic acid stabilized in a certain amount of urea peroxide is capable of inducing a strong regenerative and revitalizing response to the deepest layers of the skin.
  • urea peroxide in a concentration of 5% - by the presence of urea peroxide, despite of the high concentration of trichloroacetic acid, there is no strong whitening of the skin, inflammation or skin scaling.
  • coenzyme Q10 at a concentration of 5% is involved in energy production in cells, it improves oxygenation and protects against the damaging effects of free radicals, rejuvenating effect
  • kojic acid at a concentration of 10% - besides the known depigmenting properties (scars removal), it also has antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

480 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69