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Primary podiatric treatment


Basic podiatric treatment is dedicated to people with foot problems. Classic pedicure is performed on healthy feet and focuses solely on the symptoms and the aesthetic effect of the treatment but basic podiatric treatment differs in that it tries to get to the root of the disease, alleviate or eliminate completely the ailments and prevent the emergence of future disorder. It is the care of not only the feet but also the whole lower limbs often in collaboration with other professionals like physician, physical therapist and orthopedic technician.

Basic podiatric treatment involves several steps. A thorough interview and examination of feet are conducted to arrive at the correct diagnosis. The podiatrist will discuss with you a treatment plan and home care plan. The next stage is the execution of the procedure and observation of effects it does. After the treatment, the corresponding formulations are applied and dressings are sometimes necessary. At the end, you continue the foot care at home based on the podiatrist’s advice.

The same primary podiatric treatment contains a lot of similar elements to classic pedicure, such as shortening the nail plate, nail shafts development and development of the plantar surface of the foot. Physiological keratinization is removed from the sole of the foot and toes. The tools and equipment used are of high quality, sterile and individually tailored for each person, taking into account their internal diseases, medications and the type of pathological change. The treatment begins with the soaking of the feet. If there are no contraindications, foot scrubs can be performed and we will paint your nails.

Basic podiatric treatment can be extended to the removal of corns, calluses, cracks on the heels, ingrown nail trim, nail reconstruction and massage. They are available at an extra cost and require earlier booking.

Basic podiatric treatment should be performed at intervals of 4-8 weeks. In some cases, the frequency of visits will be individually adjusted according to their condition.

140 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69