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TEM - Muscle Energy Technique

TEM - Muscle Energy Technique methods are derived from different schools of physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathy utilizing the patient’s physical effort in different ways in order to eliminate soft tissues disorder. We apply TEM if we observe connective tissue or muscle spasm, spasticity, physiological muscle weakness, local edema, venous stasis and decreased mobility of the joints due to tissue dysfunction.

Poisometric muscle relaxation therapeutic system is based on the recognition of muscle dysfunction and restores them to its appropriate tension and length. In this method, it uses the active resistance of the patient against the resistance posed by the therapist to relax muscles.

This poisometric relaxation of muscles has two goals: temporary and long-term:

  • The temporary goal is pain management and to combat the effects of static overload of the muscles as well as reducing muscles and connective tissue irritation.
  • The long-term objective is the restoration of normal length and flexibility of skeletal muscles and the recovery of the normal range of motion in overloaded joints.

The techniques of this method is a very effective way of overcoming muscle contractures and also has an analgesic effect. Often after surgery, the pain subsides so much that a person undergoes therapy can no longer remember where the previously painful contracture is.

Myofascial relaxation (Myofascial Release is also known as Isokinetic contraction which is the combination of isotonic (with change in muscle length) and isometric (no change in muscle length) contraction). This treatment method is to tone the weakened muscle (like the action of electrical stimulation) and to rebuild the strength of all the muscles that take part in the isokinetic movement. This technique is one of the latest therapeutic methods used in manual therapy. They focus on working with the myofascial system and on improving the internal mobility of soft tissues especially the fascia.

The active relaxation technique (Active Tissue Release) is a method of focusing on the elimination of irregularities within a soft tissue such as adhesions, excessive muscle tone, improper muscle and connective tissue contractures. This is one of the most effective methods to eliminate these disorders. They were published in the medical journal last year. The technique is to maintain a constant pressure on the so-called trigger point which is performed simultaneously while stretching the tissue.