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Restylane SubQ

Restylane SubQ is a hyaluronic acid based filler, designed for deep filling in the face area. Its structure is adjusted to the anatomy of deeper tissues. SubQ fits perfectly, and its presence is difficult to distinguish from natural tissue. It is injected via cannula or needle. Restylane SubQ restores a desired round-face look characteristic for the young age and keeps the effects of the treatment for up to 24 months.

Indications: mainly use it to restore the volume of the cheeks and to fill the valley of tears. An attractive option is filling the valley of tears and removing shadows under the eyes at the same time. After the procedure, the cheeks become fuller and more shaped. The skin in the face area is firm. Some patients after the treatment notice, that because the volume of the cheeks is restored, the nasolabial furrows look visibly smoother.

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